LOCAL ONLY: Mother's Day Send Love Mixed Bouquet



We have beautiful bouquets for Mother's Day filled with colorful spring stems. Our designer's choice mixed bouquets will be made with the best flowers currently available. Expect a gorgeous colorful bouquet delivered to your doorstep or you can pick it up in store.  Photos are examples of past bouquets. You'll have an opportunity to add notes during checkout. Please remember to include a sentiment in the note section when placing your order. 

We are happy to put your bouquet in a vase for an additional charge depending on the price of the vase you choose. Please select a vase from the vases available in our online shop. The "best mom ever" vase is a fun choice!


Available dates: Friday May 10th & Saturday May 11th

Please carefully select from the options below for pick-up or delivery the selected day. There are a limited number of bouquets available for each option.

If possible please put in the note section what time the recipient will be home to receive the flowers.  

***FOR DELIVERY, PLEASE SELECT SHIP AT CHECK OUT. There is a delivery charge depending on how far away we have to deliver.  The fee will be $10, except when the delivery address is more than 25 miles from Burlington, in which event there will be a $15 delivery fee.  We do not deliver beyond 30 miles from our shop.***